Why the need for 144000 imperfect humans to Rule with Christ Jesus for 1000 years ?
Presumably they won't be imperfect. Redundant yes, but anyone that is resurrected to heaven should obviously be made perfect.
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
Why the need for 144000 imperfect humans to Rule with Christ Jesus for 1000 years ?
Presumably they won't be imperfect. Redundant yes, but anyone that is resurrected to heaven should obviously be made perfect.
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
Millions of church-age saints (believers during the times of the gentiles) will have already been raptured, their bodies resurrected and united with their souls. They will have bodies exactly like the one that Jesus had after his resurrection..... able to thrive in heaven and on earth, doubtless multi-dimensional and very powerful. (Higher than the angels)
Serious question Perry: Will immortal bodies eat food? Even if they don't need to?
hey all,.
we have purchased a bunch of great books recently, and one of them is from author kyria abrahams called "i'm perfect, you're doomed".
i'm only 5 chapters in at this stage, but i just have to share that this is a great read!.
Kyria actually visited this site and held a competition amongst the posters with a copy of her book as the prize. She wanted to see which poster had the most sordid experience they witnessed as a JW. I won't bother describing what the winner related.
i had an upbringing in the truth standard preached , gave talks and did what many kids within the organization did in thier adolesence .until the day in the summer of my conversion from elementary to junior high ivisited my fellow friend from the hall at his home like i normally did..i discover he had left on an outing to magic mountain the sister his mother offered me a "cold cup of coffee beverage" to refresh me which ended up being a combination of alchol and sedatives i lwas in and out of conciseness finally i recall her taking me a shower naked .
i told my mother immidiatley she was angered with me she said i should of been like joseph and ran like he did in the bilical example.well joseph was not sedated deliberately .
this resulted in elders disfellowshipped publicly on saturday watchtower study my name was read outloud i front of all dear brothers to abstain contact from me and i wasnt even baptized me.the age of 13 for being sexually molested as a minor by an adult member of the jehovah's wittiness congregation in california we attended.
She might need to learn how to go back to the top.
i'm interested in finding out what it was that finally enabled you to open your eyes to the real truth of watchtower.
what started me thinking, was the societys very own book...' ''s grand climax at hand'.
i found that book farcicle.
What tipped me off was their self-aggrandizing behavior. They were continuously praising themselves as God's organization and his sole channel of communication. That to me spelled arrogance and arrogance of a type that would preclude them from being used by God.
i've been thinking about this for a while.. did jesus diee on a cross?
does it really matter?
it doesn't change anything that i can see.. is god a trinity?
The trinity part is tricky. There are scriptures both for and against it implying that there were two different strains of beliefs mixed together. The doctrine of spiritual correctness states that those who do not believe in one or the other will go to hell/die at Armageddon.
The cross versus pole issue would be unimportant if it weren't for the fact that JWs condemn it as a pagan symbol. This means that those who believe that Jesus died on a cross are going to be destroyed for picturing Jesus' death in the wrong manner.
LongHairGal, isn't really her business to get involved.
I don't know anything about Remini but so long as she knows what she's talking about she's more than welcome. An example of a non-JW taking an opposing stand against the JWs is Angus Steward, the barrister of the Australian Royal Commission. He was very knowledgeable of the Watchtower and all of us more than welcomed him.
what if fred franz had never existed?.
those of you who weren’t around in the days when he was the oracle of jwdom or who at least aren’t familiar with the deeper publications he was responsible for probably won’t be able to comprehend the significance of the question.
i believe he influenced jwdom greatly, and the whole feel of jwdom would have been different without him.. during the 60’s, 70’s, & 80’s (not sure about 50’s), he was considered to be almost superhuman by some (a lot?
JWdom attracted some really smart, stable people. I was there; I saw it. I remember the deep, exciting poolside discussions after district convention sessions. The look and feel of JWdom were just so different back then.
I too remember having those deep discussions with two brothers ("fleshly"). One had an IQ of 170. We talked about representative Christology" an Arian, JW type of understanding of Jesus and his role in relation to Jehovah. He ordered a special Bible with annotations in the text.
The closest he came to criticizing the Watchtower was to say that they dumbed things down. Mind you, this was in the 1970s. "Simplification to the point of falsification" was his view of the Watchtower articles.
I wonder if he's still in there.
what if fred franz had never existed?.
those of you who weren’t around in the days when he was the oracle of jwdom or who at least aren’t familiar with the deeper publications he was responsible for probably won’t be able to comprehend the significance of the question.
i believe he influenced jwdom greatly, and the whole feel of jwdom would have been different without him.. during the 60’s, 70’s, & 80’s (not sure about 50’s), he was considered to be almost superhuman by some (a lot?
In 1974 I went to a special talk at the Inglewood Public Forum (Sothern California) to listen to a talk about 1975 from none other than Frederick Franz. He was then vice-president of the Watchtower.
He specifically said that the end would occur anywhere from a few months to a few years after September of 1975. He specifically excluded the possibility that it would be decades after 1975. Using the logic of the "Adam and Eve gap" he said that if it were to take decades than that would mean that Adam would have been without a mate for that long and that would tempt Adam into bestiality!!!
His statement, in his sing song voice, was: "Would Jehovah let Adam to be tempted into bestiality? Noooo brothers and sisters, Jehovah would not allow that."
So what would happen if Freddie the beast never existed? The JWs would have been a little more dull but, like Outlaw said, they would simply have somebody else upstairs.
citing the book of revelation - federal lawsuit says fingerprint check is “mark of the devil,” baring former school bus driver entry into heaven.. .
former bus driver files lawsuit.